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OpenBOR - General Guide

Open Beats of Rage or OpenBOR is a beat 'em up game engine.

OpenBOR Github

OpenBOR Wiki

Chronocrash Community

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Where to put the games

OpenBOR games should be put under the retrodeck/roms/openbor/ directory.

Does OpenBOR require BIOS or Firmware?


What file formats are supported?



  • The games need to be uncompressed to a folder.
  • Each game is its own self-contained game, and no overarching settings exist.

Example folder structure of a OpenBOR game

A fake fan game called Heroes of Phandalin

~/retrodeck/roms/openbor/Heroes of Phandalin.AppImage/
~/retrodeck/roms/openbor/Heroes of Phandalin.AppImage/Logs/
~/retrodeck/roms/openbor/Heroes of Phandalin.AppImage/Paks/
~/retrodeck/roms/openbor/Heroes of Phandalin.AppImage/Saves/
~/retrodeck/roms/openbor/Heroes of Phandalin.AppImage/ScreenShots/
~/retrodeck/roms/openbor/Heroes of Phandalin.AppImage/Heroes of Phandalin.AppImage

OpenBOR How-to add a game

  • Extract the game if it is compressed into a new folder under roms/openbor/.
  • Rename the folder so it is called <gamename>.AppImage in the end of it.
  • Open the game folder and see if the OpenBOR-Linux-x64-<versionnumber>.AppImage file is there in the root of the folder.
  • If the file is there rename it to <gamename>.AppImage.

The game should now be detected and runnable from RetroDECK.

Example on renaming:

If the game is called Heroes of Phandalin rename the OpenBOR-Linux-x64-<versionnumber>.AppImage file & the games folder to Heroes of Phandalin.AppImage

~/retrodeck/roms/openbor/Heroes of Phandalin.AppImage/Heroes of Phandalin.AppImage

The Heroes of Phandalin.AppImage file exists within the Heroes of Phandalin.AppImage folder.

OpenBOR.AppImage is missing:

If the OpenBOR-Linux-x64-<versionnumber>.AppImage is missing from the games folder you will need to download it from OpenBOR Github releases page and add it to the game folder.

Copy the file the games folder and rename it as stated above then make it executable.

NOTE: On compatibly
Some games might only be compatible with certain version of OpenBOR. Try the latest version first and if that does not work check the games folder for clues on what version it was made for and download the correct .AppImage version from OpenBOR Github releases page.

Make the file executable

Using the terminal:

chmod +x OpenBOR-Linux-x64-<versionnumber>.AppImage

Using the Systems GUI

This example is from KDE:

Right Click on OpenBOR-Linux-x64-<versionnumber>.AppImage -> Properties -> Permissions -> Check the Is executable checkbox.