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How to: Get WADs from your bought copies of DOOM

Notice: Steam Flatpak Version - steamapps/ location

If you got the Flatpak version of Steam the ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/ folder is located in:

~/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/ when you follow this guide.

What are the Official Addons wads?

Doom Wiki - Official Addons

2024 KEX Engine Version

Bethesta updated the DOOM + DOOM II listing to a new KEX Engine as of 2024-08-08

The KEX Engine version of DOOM + DOOM II have spread out the files and assigned a random BethestaNet ID number to wads as their filename.

KEX Engine - Steam Version

Where are the base core iwads?

Some are located in:

~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Ultimate Doom/rerelease/

You can also find the location by

  1. Right Click on DOOM + DOOM II in Steam.
  2. Press Properties.
  3. Go to the Installed Files tab.
  4. Press the Browse button.

Where are the downloaded bnetwads?

All of the downloaded bnetwads are located in:

~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/2280/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/Nightdive Studios/DOOM/bnetwads/

KEX Engine - GOG Version


Where are the base core iwads?

Some are located in:


Where are the downloaded bnetwads?

All of the downloaded bnetwads are located in:


KEX Engine - Shipped by Default

The main game folder contains the following (Master Levels in one wad and Legacy of Rust are new for the release):

Name Creator WAD name Comment
DOOM (1993) id Software DOOM.WAD
DOOM II id Software DOOM2.WAD
Extras id Software, Nerve Software EXTRAS.WAD Extra.Wad
Master Levels id Software MASTERLEVELS.WAD
No Rest for the Living Nerve Software NERVE.WAD
The Plutonia Experiment Dario Casali & Milo Casali PLUTONIA.WAD
TNT: Evilution Team TNT TNT.WAD
Legacy of Rust id Software, Nightdive Studios, MachineGames ID1.WAD, ID1-WEAP.WAD, ID1-RES.WAD, ID24RES.WAD, IDDM1.WAD Uses the new ID24 Standard

KEX Engine - Getting the Downloaded bnetwads

Prerequisite: First, download the addons from the featured mods list.

Navigate from the Main Menu -> Select a game like DOOM II -> Mods Menu -> Featured Mods.

For some mods, you may need to click on Mods Menu -> Browse and search for them if they are no longer on the Featured Mods list to match the Unity Version set.

Where are the bnetwads located?

Each .wad downloaded has its own sub-folder based on an internal ID and contains the .wad file and an index.json file.

Opening the index.json file in each folder will tell you what game the .wad is.

Example SIGILII in Steam:

~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/2280/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/Nightdive Studios/DOOM/bnetwads/585d6a05-e50c-4ad7-aac7-726d35d23a50/

Contains the index.json and 585d6a05-e50c-4ad7-aac7-726d35d23a50.wad

Opening the index.json:

    "id" : "585d6a05-e50c-4ad7-aac7-726d35d23a50",      <-- Mod's BethestaNet ID
    "title" : "SIGIL II",                               <-- Mod Title
    "version" : "2ed265fd-6fdf-45a5-a078-35811549ce3b", <-- Current uploaded version (for updates)
    "wad" : "585d6a05-e50c-4ad7-aac7-726d35d23a50.wad"  <-- The Wad file

It reveals that 585d6a05-e50c-4ad7-aac7-726d35d23a50.wad is in fact SIGILII.WAD.

You can then copy and paste it into retrodeck/roms/doom/ and rename it to SIGILII.WAD.

Addon List - KEX Engine version

This list only shows you some of the bnetwads (to match the content of the Unity version).

Name Creator True WAD Name bnetwad id Comment
Anomaly Report Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) AR.WAD 1d7e0be3-15ef-4227-8f57-12b8fc4540e8.wad
Arrival Walker Wright (Pavera) and Brayden Hart (AD_79) ARRIVAL.WAD d00614a1-68a6-4c1b-a389-50d1e4342cc9.wad
Base Ganymede Adam Woodmansey (Khorus) BGCOMP.WAD 7479c5ab-3bda-4f6f-9aab-0cb67362414b.wad
BTSX Episode 1 Esselfortium et al. BTSX_E1.WAD 7e3109da-1608-4243-85c9-6acc19f2b7f4.wad
BTSX Episode 2 Esselfortium et al. BTSX_E2.WAD b795475e-d170-4b9d-b9a4-b544e2bf1b71.wad
Deathless James Paddock DEATHLESS.WAD 954ff3ca-c214-422f-bd46-69b0bee89802.wad
Doom Zero Christopher Golden (DASI-I) DOOMZERO.WAD d1790fb2-2a04-4a17-8f55-0c39a7282d94.wad
Double Impact Ralphis & RottKing DBIMPACT.WAD 33decf0e-239e-4574-b919-dcb55dbba841.wad
Earthless: Prelude James Paddock & Fuzzball EARTHLESS_PR.WAD 976848fb-16d9-43d8-bfca-9e453d492705.wad
Harmony Thomas van der Velden, James Paddock HARM1.WAD a3795b5e-f445-4a61-a599-e4aef2e02865.wad
No End In Sight Emil Brundage, Christopher Lutz, Xaser NEIS.WAD c2105fc1-de85-4e39-9794-53d26399e19e.wad
REKKR Matthew Little (Revae) et al. REKKR.WAD b15ec9df-3db9-43dd-a733-0ca25c74fdfc.wad
Revolution! Thomas van der Velden; MIDI pack contributors TVR!.WAD 2598592c-079b-4a3e-a7e0-6cd3fdc15b7d.wad
Scientist Roland van der Velden SCI.WAD e8b69c7e-5763-49c4-8643-a8138cc397e0.wad
SIGIL II Romero Games SIGILII.WAD 585d6a05-e50c-4ad7-aac7-726d35d23a50.wad
Syringe Pavera, Tarnsman, Marcaek, & Xaser SYRINGE.WAD d1b4f278-55b5-4597-9f66-b17176e0843d.wad
The Troopers' Playground Matthias Worch TTP.WAD a6d72845-9449-45ba-9322-98c66362ab09.wad

The bnetwad id should tell you what the file is called and also where the file is located as the bnetwad id always match the contaning folders name.


/bnetwads/1d7e0be3-15ef-4227-8f57-12b8fc4540e8/1d7e0be3-15ef-4227-8f57-12b8fc4540e8.wad - Is Anomaly Report's folder and WAD

Unity version 2019


Unity version 2019 - Via the Beta Branch

Bethesta updated and removed the unity version as of 2024-08-08

On Steam you can still access them on the Beta Branch (as of now) by:

  1. Right Click on DOOM + DOOM II in Steam.
  2. Press Properties.
  3. Go to the Betas tab.
  4. Beta Patrticipation change to Previous re-release 2019 version
  5. Launch the game and keep following the guide

Steam - Where are the base core iwads?


  • ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Doom 2/masterbase/doom2/
  • ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Doom 2/masterbase/master/wads/
  • ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Doom 2/masterbase/Doom 2/masterbase/doom2/



  • ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Ultimate Doom/base/

Steam - DOOM DLC Location



~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/2300/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/id Software/DOOM 2/WADs/



~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/2280/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/id Software/DOOM Classic/WADs/



GOG - Where are the base core iwads?


GOG - DOOM DLC Location


Untity 2019 Version - Get the Official Addons

Prerequisite: You first need to download the addons from within the 2019 Unity Version.

Go from the Main Menu into the Addons Menu download them all.

Addon List - Unity version

Name Creator True WAD name ADDON ID Comment
Anomaly Report Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) AR.WAD 16
Arrival Walker Wright (Pavera) and Brayden Hart (AD_79) ARRIVAL.WAD 15
Base Ganymede Adam Woodmansey (Khorus) BGCOMP.WAD 18
BTSX Episode 1 Esselfortium et al. BTSX_E1.WAD 8
BTSX Episode 2 Esselfortium et al. BTSX_E2.WAD 9
Deathless James Paddock DEATHLESS.WAD 7
Doom Zero Christopher Golden (DASI-I) DOOMZERO.WAD 11
Double Impact Ralphis & RottKing DBIMPACT.WAD 5
Earthless: Prelude James Paddock & Fuzzball EARTHLESS_PR.WAD 13
Harmony Thomas van der Velden, James Paddock HARM1.WAD 17
No End In Sight Emil Brundage, Christopher Lutz, Xaser NEIS.WAD 6
No Rest for the Living Nerve Software NERVE.WAD 3
The Plutonia Experiment Dario Casali & Milo Casali PLUTONIA.WAD 2
REKKR Matthew Little (Revae) et al. REKKR.WAD 10
Revolution! Thomas van der Velden; MIDI pack contributors TVR!.WAD 14
Scientist Roland van der Velden SCI.WAD 19
SIGIL Romero Games SIGIL.WAD 4
Syringe Pavera, Tarnsman, Marcaek, & Xaser SYRINGE.WAD 12
TNT: Evilution Team TNT TNT.WAD 1
The Troopers' Playground Matthias Worch TTP.WAD 20

How to extract them?

Each file is located in the WADs/ folder from the step above with an ID number that you can check on the list.

Example: Sigil

Sigil has the ID of 4 and is then located in the /WADs/4/ folder.

Within that folder there are images and also a file without an extension just called 4. That 4 file is the SIGIL.WAD file.

All you need to do is copy the `/WADs/4/4 file to retrodeck/roms/doom then rename it SIGIL.WAD.

DOOM Unity Version - Extra: Windows tips

If you want to move the WADs from a Windows installations instead you can use this software: Unity Doom Ripper

The WADs are located in

My Documents\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM 2\WADs\


My Documents\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM Classic\WADs\

Then just transfer them with a USB Stick or another way to your Linux machine.