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Citra - General Guide (Archive)

Citra was a Nintendo 3DS Emulator.

Note: Archived Emulator

Citra was a Switch emulator and was removed as part of the 0.8.0b update.

The last version that shipped with Citra was 0.7.6b.

Where to put the games

3DS games should be put under the retrodeck/roms/3ds/ directory.

What file formats are supported?


Does Citra require BIOS or Firmware?

Yes, if the games are encrypted then keyfiles are needed: aes_keys.txt

Folder structure

Type Folder Comment
ROMs Folder retrodeck/roms/3ds/
Saves Folder retrodeck/saves/n3ds/citra/
Config Folder ~/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck/config/citra/
BIOS Folder /retrodeck/bios/citra/
Data Folder ~/.var/app/org.retrodeck.retrodeck/data/citra
Mods Folder retrodeck/mods/citra/
Texture Packs Folder retrodeck/texture_packs/citra/

Guide - Adding mods


  • The ~/retrodeck/mods/citra/ represents the /load/mods/ folder in Citra.
  • TITLEID is different for every game.

On the Steam Deck this could be easier to do in Desktop Mode.

There are two ways of adding mods into Citra

Add mods from Citra

  1. Extract any mod from compressed .zip or any other format to folders.
  2. Open up Citra inside RetroDECK Configurator by pressing Open Emulator - Citra.
  3. Right click on the game you want to add mods into.
  4. Click on Open Mods Location.
  5. Paste the mod files inside that directory, each folder is stored by the TITLLEID of the game.
  6. Quit Citra

From the mod folder directly

  1. Extract any mod files from compressed .zip or any other format into folders.
  2. Go into ~/retrodeck/mods/citra/. The folders are all named by TITLEID.
  3. Past the mods into the right ~/retrodeck/mods/yuzu/<TITLEID> folder.

Guide - Adding texture packs


Some texture packs could made for a specific version or region of a game. Make sure you have the right game and textures for it.

On the Steam Deck this could be easier to do in Desktop Mode.

  • The ~/retrodeck/texture_packs/citra/ represents the /load/textures folder in Citra.
  • TITLEID is different for every game.

There are two ways of adding texture packs into Citra

Enable Custom Textures

  1. Open up Citra inside RetroDECK Configurator by pressing Open Emulator - Citra.
  2. Press Emulation -> Configure -> Graphics -> Use Custom Textures and set it to On.

Add texture packs from Citra

  1. Extract any texture files from compressed .zip or any other format to folders.
  2. Open up Citra inside RetroDECK Configurator by pressing Open Emulator - Citra.
  3. Right click on the game you want to add textures into.
  4. Click on Open Custom Textures Location.
  5. Paste the texture folders inside that directory, each folder is stored by the TITLLEID of the game.
  6. Quit Citra

From the texture folder directly

  1. Extract any texture pack files from compressed .zip or any other format into folders.
  2. Go into ~/retrodeck/texture_packs/citra/. The folders are all named by TITLEID.
  3. Move textures into the right ~/retrodeck/texture_packs/citra/<TITLEID> folder.


  • You have a .zip file for a game that contains the /load/textures/0000001000 folders.
  • All you need to do is take the TITLEID folder: 0000001000 and put it into ~/retrodeck/texture_packs/citra/
  • So the end result looks like: ~/retrodeck/texture_packs/citra/0000001000