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Official Controllers for the Nintendo Switch

Steam Input support


Linux Kernel Support

Yes, since 5.16 - hid-nintendo

Udev rules

# Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Charging Grip; USB
KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="057e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="200e", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess"

# Nintendo Switch Joy-Con (L); Bluetooth
KERNEL=="hidraw*", KERNELS=="*057E:2006*", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess"
KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="057e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2006", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess"

# Nintendo Switch Joy-Con (R); Bluetooth
KERNEL=="hidraw*", KERNELS=="*057E:2007*", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess"
KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="057e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2007", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess"

What is the Official RetroDECK - Steam Input Profile called?

  • Switch Pro: RetroDECK: Switch Joycons

NOTE: This will be released at a later date and work has not started on it yet.